Browse our organic products

We harness the power of our organic, edible plants range and turn them into sumptuous products for the body and health.

Discover the edible plants that grow simply & quickly in your garden.

Texas has one of the best climates for growing food all year round.

Take a look at our range of super-nutritious, edible plants that grow abundantly with minimal attention.

Edible plants

We grow low-maintenance plants that are perfectly suited to the Texas climate that boast a wealth of nutrients, health benefits and make a perfect addition to a wide range of culinary uses.

Beauty & health products

Our selection of beauty and health products covers everything you need to get your hair and skin glowing and your body radiating from the inside outwards.

Delicious health treats

From lucuma, goji berry and maca to cacao, hemp seed and carob, We have taken the most nutritious ingredients available, many of which we grow in Texas, and create sumptuous treats that not only taste divine but nourish the body and leave you feeling energised and satisfied.

Edible flowers

We are fanatical about encouraging people to embrace the majesty of edible flowers in visually supercharging any dish. Flowers also hold magical properties that can lend vitality and peace of mind.

Organic produce

We provide a range of organic, heirloom vegetables from our stalls at farmers' markets across the Houston area.

Raised beds

We make edible gardening a piece of cake with our simple-to-install raised beds that enable you to get started with your edible garden with no stress.

Get in touch to receive our full product catalogue.

We host regular foodscaping masterclasses and workshops for all ages.
Register with us to receive information on our upcoming events.

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